Camille Graeser
Press release
IHR camille graeser (Engl.: Yours, Camille Graeser) is a close-up of the experimental field on paper in the form of an unconventional exhibition and a limited publication. Together with Camille Graeser Stiftung, von Bartha offers rare insights into the creative process of Swiss avant-garde artist Camille Graeser: intimate, subtle, and surprising.
With pencil, colored chalk, and ink, Graeser (1892–1980) created designs for wallpapers, decoration and clothing fabrics, scarves, knitwear, paintings, and furniture – for his and Emmy Graeser’s own household as well as for renowned manufactories. The exhibition is dedicated to more than 200 works from 1925 to 1975 on paper, photos, and personal notes, arranged in thematic chapters. It offers a unique opportunity to acquire partly unpublished works and immerse yourself in the world of thought of the artist, interior architect, and designer and to experience at first hand how concrete art is created.
The Zürcher Schule der Konkreten (Engl.: Zurich School of Concretists) with Camille Graeser as well as artists such as Max Bill, Fritz Glarner, Verena Loewensberg, and Sophie Taeuber-Arp, is known for its rigorous visual logic, strict lines, and rich primary colors. IHR camille graeser offers a more versatile reading of this art movement, one that is lively, spontaneous, and personal, just as Graeser designed, drew, and wrote (i.a. on a postcard from 1934 to German artist Willi Baumeister):
ich entwerfe jetzt ganz neuartige pianinos, coiffeur-läden, grafik und ganz freie m Ö b E l für die industrie. ahoi ! ins strandbad küsnacht !
immer IHR alter
camille graeser
(Engl.: I now design brand new pianos, hairdresser’s salons, graphics, and completely free furniture for the industry. Ahoy! To the lido in Küsnacht! Ever your old Camille Graeser)
Public Opening: We kindly invite you to the opening of IHR camille graeser on Friday, March 21, 2025, from 6 to 8 pm.
21 March 2025
Tue-Fri: 14:00-18:00, Sat: 11:00-16:00